Career/Academic Application Edit
I’ve revised countless successful undergraduate, graduate, law school, fellowship, YOU NAME IT career and academic applications. With this service, I would recommend following the below basic steps; however, you are welcome to skip to the service you need.
The Basic Steps
1) Developmental Edit
In this edit, I will compare your current draft to your target program with various application strategies. Through in-document comments and an overall evaluation report, I will recommend changes to polish your application for each program. For example, I may recommend the change the term “team” to “partnerships” if the program prefers this term. I may also recommend an overall restructuring of your cover letter’s organization in the evaluation report.
2) Line Edit
After you have made the changes preferred from the developmental edit, the next line edit will improve your readability, flow, grammar, and mechanics. In this edit, I will focus on the grammar and mechanics of each individual sentence as well as the flow of the sentences within a paragraph. This edit only focuses on black and white rules of standard English. Edits with basic rules will be made in Word Track Changes for you to accept or reject. Edits dipping into any grey area will have comments explaining alternatives.
The Optional Steps
If you made many changes in the line edit, this service adds another round of standard English revisions. This edit only focuses on black and white rules of standard English. Edits with basic rules will be made in Word Track Changes for you to accept or reject. This service is only offered as an add-on to line editing.
Consistency is key to a professional resume. With this service, I will revise your resume for consistency and standard English. This edit only focuses on black and white rules of standardized English. Edits with basic rules will be made in Word Track Changes for you to accept or reject.
Procedure and Costs
As career/academic applications are usually shorter works, I can complete a free sample edit of up to 100 words with nods to both developmental and line editing. The costs for an application up to 1,000 words are as follows:
Developmental Editing $20
Line Editing $20
Proofreading $10
Resume $20